The Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is the only internationally-recognized honor society for students attending two-year colleges. Kirkwood’s local chapter for main campus students is Alpha Eta Rho.
By joining this chapter, you can connect with fellow achievement-minded students through networking, service projects, and more. Email if you're interested in joining.
To be eligible for membership:
Both part-time and full-time students who have met all of the academic requirements are invited to become members. A one-time fee is charged to new members.
International students are welcome to become members. They must achieve:
If you have any questions regarding Alpha Eta Rho, please email
Non-active and active members must purchase a stole for commencement. Alpha members may borrow a stole to wear at Commencement; upon request, they will also receive a letter of recommendation from a Phi Theta Kappa chapter advisor.
The Non-Active members attend the induction ceremony, but does not necessarily attend meetings or fulfill a service requirement.
We are looking for motivated, dependable, and hard-working members who would like to step up to the next level and become an elected officer of the Alpha Eta Rho Chapter.
The President is responsible for working with the Vice President on planning activities for the school year. The President is also responsible for leading chapter and officer meetings. The president needs to meet with the advisor regularly to coordinate activities.
Committee assignment: The president oversees all committees
Vice President
The Vice President is responsible for planning the activities for the school year. In the event the President can’t come to a meeting or is unreachable, the Vice President fulfills the President’s duties. The Vice President is the liaison with Beta Lambda Tau (Kirkwood’s Iowa City chapter).
Committee assignment: Honors in Action
The Secretary has the responsibility of sending out e-mails on a regular basis about upcoming activities and meetings. The Secretary also takes minutes at the Phi Theta Kappa meetings and after typing them up submits them to be posted on the chapter website.
Committee assignment: Honors in Action
The Treasurer handles submitting receipts for reimbursement for food ordered for the meetings and other things purchased for the organization. The Treasurer also handles depositing money earned from activities. The Treasurer will keep a ledger and give a monthly budget report at meetings.
Committee assignment: Fundraising
Public Relations
The Public Relations officer creates posters about the meetings and hangs them up the Wednesday before the meeting. The P.R. officer also handles the creation and hanging of activity posters when needed and getting the word out about PTK and its activities.
Committee assignment: Member recruitment and retention
Student Leadership Council Representative
The Student Leadership Council Representative is the officer who attends student council meetings. They then review the information with the other officers to see if there is anything that PTK can help with and to be kept in the loop regarding the student council.
Committee assignment: College project
All the officers are expected to:
Student and Non-Student Memberships
Non-Student Membership
Good Standing
The national Constitution and By-Laws of Phi Theta Kappa will be considered the ruling document for questions not covered in the chapter Constitution and By-Laws. Chapter advisors and officers will rule on any questions not covered in either document.