Risk Management

Risk Management

Who We Are

The Department of Risk Management is responsible for administering risk management and insurance programs. This includes insurance covering property and liability risks including buildings, equipment, fine art, liquor liability, and vehicles.

Our goal is to minimize the risk of financial loss to the college through the identification and analysis of risk, implementation of loss control programs, and contractual transfer or other risk reduction or financing techniques.


How We Can Help

Risk Management is available to consult or collaborate with individuals, departments, and internal administration on issues related to the management of risks. We can assist with the identification and analysis of risks and offer recommendations geared toward developing strategies to address risks.

Some areas where our department provides risk management assistance include contracts, policies and procedures, vehicle use, insurance needs, loss prevention, and claims. We are also available to serve on committees or working groups to provide risk management expertise.



Jason Mittermaier  |  risk@kirkwood.edu  |  319-398-4495

Kirkwood Community College is often asked for proof of insurance coverage(s). A certificate of insurance verifies to another party that insurance coverage exists. Certificates of insurance may be needed for agreements or contracts, activities and events, use of facilities or equipment, vehicle rentals, and so forth. Certificate requests can be sent to risk@kirkwood.edu.

Kirkwood Community College has clear procedures for reporting incidents. We encourage prompt, honest, and accurate reporting of all incidents.

Incidents affecting members of the public or students while on campus that result in injury should complete the incident form and submit to risk@kirkwood.edu.

Student/Visitor Injury Report FormInjury Reporting Poster

Bloodborne Pathogen Treatment Form

To report auto accidents involving a Kirkwood-owned vehicle, complete the auto accident kit located in the glove box of the vehicle involved. Submit all paperwork to risk@kirkwood.edu.

To report incidents involving injuries to employees and worker's compensation claims, please contact Human Resources.

Student/Visitor Injury Referral

This process is for student/visitor injuries and does not include illnesses. Illnesses do not require documentation, and students needing medical assistance for non-emergencies are encouraged to seek assistance from their health care providers.

Injuries, defined as bodily injury typically attended with pain, can be broken down into two categories: serious or life threatening and non-life threatening.

Serious or Life-threatening Injuries: Examples – Severe back/neck injuries, head injuries, major burns, and any loss of consciousness, etc.

  1. In the event of an emergency call 9-911 immediately.
  2. Kirkwood Public Safety, 319-398-7777 should be contacted immediately after an accident has occurred or been reported so they can respond and create an incident report.
  3. The injured person may choose the emergency room/clinic of their choice.
  4. The injured person must be transported by emergency personnel or a friend/family member. Kirkwood employees cannot transport injured students or visitors.
  5. Kirkwood Community College will not pay medical bills unless they are found legally liable to do so.

Non-Life threatening Injuries: Examples – Minor sprains, strains, back pain, minor burns, minor cuts, bruises, etc.

  1. The injured person must be seen by their primary care physician or walk-in clinic of their choice if they choose to seek care.
  2. The injured person must be transported by emergency personnel or a friend/family member. Kirkwood employees cannot transport injured students and visitors.
  3. Kirkwood Community College will not pay medical bills unless they are found legally liable to do so.

After Injury Response/Follow up:

  1. The Kirkwood Community College Student and Visitor Injury report must be generated by the student’s supervisor or faculty member (ex. lab tech, work study, preceptor) where the student/visitor is injured.
  2. The injured student/visitor must complete and sign the report as well as the student’s supervisor or faculty member from the department/area.
  3. Dean or director must be notified of the incident.
  4. All reports should be sent to Risk Management through campus mail or email within 48 hours.

Bloodborne pathogen exposure:

  1. Bloodborne Pathogen Post-Exposure Evaluation and Follow up instructions must be followed.
  2. Student must complete the injury process as noted above.
  3. Student must complete the Bloodborne Pathogen Treatment Form and submit to Health/Continuing Education Program Director/Clinical Coordinator.
  4. Student must complete the Kirkwood Community College Student and Visitor Injury report and send to risk@kirkwood.edu within 48 hours.

Risk Management is available to review contracts and agreements. The main areas of concentration during a review include insurance requirements, hold harmless agreements, and indemnification language.

Kirkwood Community College uses Cobblestone Systems to review and manage contracts. For contract review and questions, please refer to the procedure found via the following link: 730.2 – Contract Management.

Kirkwood Community College owns and operates a wide variety of vehicles and equipment. Safe operation of these vehicles is critical to the well-being of our faculty, staff, and students. Procedures providing instruction on the proper use of Kirkwood property can be found at the following link: 308.2 – Vehicle and Equipment Use; 308.3 – Fleet Vehicles.

Driver Accident Report with Accident Investigation Form

Kirkwood Community College holds a Class C Liquor Permit from the State of Iowa, Alcoholic Beverage Division and is licensed to sell and serve alcohol through The Hotel at Kirkwood Center. All sales or services must be contracted through The Hotel. For the formal procedure on liquor, please see the following link: 310.1 – Alcohol Sales and Service Procedure.


The Kirkwood Center
7725 Kirkwood Blvd. SW, Suite 109
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404