Students with a grade point average of less than 1.8 for all online classes within the previous three years will have a registration restriction placed on their record. The restriction prevents registration in these classes until the average for online courses reaches 1.8 or better, or a three-year period has passed. The average for these courses can be improved by retaking failed or low-scored courses in a face-to-face format. This registration restriction does not prevent students from enrolling in face-to-face or hybrid format classes, only online classes.

What to do if you have a low GPA?

Set up a meeting with your academic advisor. You will find your advisor in MyHub by selecting "Support" and then the "Advising" tab. At this meeting, you and your academic advisor will discuss what happened that lead to your hold and an academic plan to get back on track. They’ll go over your degree audit so you know what you need to do to complete your program and graduate.

Your advisor will help you figure out your class schedule and help determine if you can take additional online courses.

This restriction will not remove you from courses you are already registered for. It will only prevent further registration.

If an appointment is unavailable, please reach out to advising@kirkwood.edu or call 319-398-2600.

If you are a high school student and would like to register for an online course, please reach out to hscollegecredit@kirkwood.edu.

Please email advising@kirkwood.edu to schedule an appointment.